I currently live in Dartmouth, MA with my partner, three step children and labradoodle (Brody).

My oldest stepson (9yrs) completed his first season in the Dartmouth Junior League in 2023. With the love I have for the sport and the readiness from my stepchildren to want to learn new techniques and grow as a player, has made me decide to reach out to the community and share my knowledge with youth. My training focuses on confidence & basketball skills in order to foster development. Reminding the children of the core goal to love what you do and do it the best you can. That is key to success!

I focus my time on watching the kids play sports they love and want to grow their experiences by having the opportunity to train with other youth. Diversity in youths skills will only help them learn with AND from each other!

I’ve been fortunate to have a wide range of experiences — spending a lot of years on the court and learning about the game through my highschool and college years. This is what I do and what I enjoy!